Asshole of Today

#263 – “Netflix Password Theft, Russian Interference in Election 2016, Split GOP Reaction to Russia’s Involvement, What is the President’s Daily Intelligence Brief, and A$$hole of Today feat. Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorists.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss the reality that Netflix password sharing is STEALING, the confirmation of Russia’s meddling in the election on behalf of President-Elect Donald Trump, the GOP’s divided reaction to the confirmation of Russia’s interference, Joe Walsh’s odd appearance on CNN in response to Donald Trump’s position on Russia, an explanation of the President’s Daily Brief (which Donald Trump is skipping) from the New York Times, and A$$hole of Today featuring Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#262 – “Phone Number Etiquette, North Dakota Access Pipeline, Richard Spencer, Russian Hacks 2016 Election, Donald Trump’s Chris Wallace Interview, and A$$hole of Today feat. Corey Lewandowski.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss the rules surrounding phone numbers and giving of phone numbers, the latest on the North Dakota Access Pipeline and protester reactions, Richard Spencer’s continued praise of Donald Trump, the CIA report that confirms Russia intervened in the 2016 election to assist Donald Trump’s win, Chris Wallace’s interview with Donald Trump on Fox News Sunday, and A$$hole of Today featuring Corey Lewandowski.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#254 – “Nashville Trip, Donald Trump and His COWARD Supporters, More Trump Racism, Bill Weld Practically Endorses Hillary Clinton, Racist Pro-Trump Robo-Calls, Hell House Churches are A$$hole of Today.

Jesse and Brittany discuss their weekend trip to Nashville and her weird theories about gingers. This episode is heavy on the binary choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The COWARDS like Paul Ryan and Jason Chaffetz who are not “supporting” or endorsing Donald Trump, but are voting for him. Racist robocalls from former Donald Trump delegate, William Johnson. And the A$$hole of Today are churches that host Hell Houses/Judgement Houses.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#232 – “Lyft Assault, France Attack, Turkey Coup, Baton Rouge Attack, Mike Pence – GOP VP, Science Denial, Convention and Platform, Trump a Hitler Fan?, Obama vs. TX Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and A$$hole of Today – Ray Comfort.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss Brittany’s encounter with an angry Lyft driver, Jesse’s ONE MILLION VIEW milestone on his YouTube channel, Nice, France attack, Turkey coup attempt, and Baton Rouge police officers killed are all reviewed, Mike Pence, the GOP VP nominee, the penetration logo, Pence’s history of science denial, the GOP convention and platform, Trump’s latest difficulty with the labor department investigation, foreign campaign donations, and his family’s involvement in a tax evasion lawsuit, Rachel Maddow’s announcement that she’s reading up on Hitler to prepare for Trump, Obama vs. Lt. Gov. of Texas Dan Patrick, and A$$hole of Today Ray Comfort.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#231 – “Dessert Disaster, Philando Castile & Dallas, Texas, Donald Trump & Shady Financial Dealings, and Ken Ham is A$$hole of Today.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss their dessert duplicate fiasco at dinner, listener messages, Philando Castile’s tragic death, including reactions from Don Lemon on CNN and the live stream to Facebook from his fiancé, Dallas police shootings, including reactions from Lt. Gov. of Texas Dan Patrick, Dollemocracy ’16 featuring discussion of the media’s continued investigation into Donald Trump’s financial decisions, and Ken Ham is A$$hole of Today!

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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The YouTube video mentioned in this episode:

#230 – “High Speed Chase Survival, Tomi Lahren & Alton Sterling, Louisiana Governor Reacts, FBI Hillary Decision, FBI Findings vs. Hillary’s Statements, Donald Trump’s Praise of Dictators Continues, Fox News’ Gretchen Carlson’s Lawsuit, and A$$hole of Today feat. Bryan Fischer and Phil Robertson.”

Jesse and Brittany share their near-death experience during a high-speed chase in Orange County (FOR REAL!), Alton Sterling’s tragic death at the hands of two white police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards’ reaction, body camera failings, FBI’s decision on Hillary Clinton’s emails, FBI findings vs. Hillary Clinton’s actual statements, Donald Trump’s continued praise of dictators, this time… Saddam Hussein, Fox News’ drama between Gretchen Carlson and Roger Ailes, and A$$hole of Today featuring Phil Robertson and Bryan Fischer.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#221 – “Atheist Nomads, Bathroom Wars Cont., Rush Limbaugh’s Evolution Lesson, The Donald Trump Fiasco Continues…, Third Party Candidates Emerging?, GOP Lifers Turning Their Backs on GOP, and A$$hole of Today feat. Texans.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss Jesse’s appearance on the podcast, ‘Atheist Nomads’, the latest controversy surrounding transgender bathroom rights, Rush Limbaugh’s take on Harambe and evolution, good news on the Santa Monica date rape story, Donald Trump’s continued attacks on the media and avoidance of questions surrounding the money he raised for vet’s, third party candidates, GOP lifers who are abandoning their party, and A$$hole of Today featuring Texans who don’t like the word ‘haboob’.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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