California Psychics

#207 – “CA Psychics, NC Follow-Up, Pew Pew!, Donald Trump Regrets & Women, Obama on Nukes, Huma Abedin on Emails, Hillary Gets Pissed, Bernie on The State of The Union with J Tap, and Takin’ Care of Biz feat. Gal Gadot and Erin Heatherton”

Jesse and Brittany discuss California psychics’ commercials, businesses support the LGBT community in North Carolina, Robert Sapolsky’s column in the LA times on rationality and politics, Pew Research Center’s latest report on the election, Trump’s regrets in discussing Ted Cruz’s wife, Trump’s confusion with where women stand on their feelings toward him, Obama’s comments on Trump, Huma Abedin discussing emails, Hillary Clinton’s unfortunate reaction to a voter’s question, Bernie Sanders on State of the Union with Jake Tapper on his taxes, and Takin’ Care of Biz featuring Gal Gadot and Erin Heatherton.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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