
I Doubt It #159 – “POPE MADNESS, Kathy Call, Kim Davis Follow-Up, Dollemocracy ’16 Scott Walker is a Quitter, Ben Carson Doubles Down and Distances, Hillary Clinton’s Private Email, Martin Shkreli Is The Worst, Googling for God, and Costco Patron is A$$hole of Today.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss the Pope madness, Kathy’s call, Kim Davis’ interview with ABC News, Dollemocracy ’16 featuring Scott Walker’s dropping out, Ben Carson doubles down and distances himself from comments on Muslims, Hillary Clinton won’t have a private email server as President, Martin Shkreli’s depraved behavior, Googling For God in the New York Times, and Costco Patrons are Assholes of Today.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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I Doubt It #145 – “UN-Scary Movies, Chris Hoff sits in from The Radical Therapist, Houston County Plays Faves, Anjem Choudary Causing Trouble, Cecil, Dollemocracy ’16 feat. Ben Carson, Scott Walker, and the Debate, George W. Bush’s Jury Duty, and JESSE AND BRITTANY CRY.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss the decline in scary when it comes to scary movies, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Chris Hoff’s latest project, The Radical Therapist Podcast, Houston County, AL latest move to alienate citizens of opposing faiths, Anjem Choudary’s charge, Cecil’s mob justice, Dollemocracy ’16 featuring Ben Carson inability to choose Bible or Constitution, Scott Walker’s refusal to acknowledge the fact of Barack Obama’s Christianity, and the debate, George W. Bush is just like us, and Humans of Dublin makes us cry.
Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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