john cena

I Doubt It #152 – “Costco Savior/Germs, VA Shooting Voicemail, Rowan County & Ashley Madison Follow-Up, Dollemocracy ’16 w/ Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders, Pew Research Center’s Implicit Association Test Data, and John Cena is Takin’ Care of Biz.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss recent events at Costco, Ben from California’s voicemail regarding the Virginia shooting, Rowan County Clerks Casey and Kim Davis’ continued refusal to provide marriage licenses in their counties, reports that suggest Ashley Madison was just a bunch of dudes talking to each other, Dollemocracy ’16 featuring Dan From California’s confusion about Donald Trump, Donald Trump’s inability to provide his favorite scripture, Hillary Clinton’s comparison of terrorist groups and the GOP, and Bernie Sanders is different from HRC, Pew Research Center’s data on the Implicit Association Test, as well as listeners’ results and what it all means, and John Cena is takin’ care of biz!
Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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