Kellyanne Conway

#245 – “Drop-Dead Jesse, Rape, Donald Trump’s Short Memory, Trump Foundation Investigated, Still No Taxes, Scolded by Black Pastor, Steve King Douchechill, Shame-Happy Cops.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss his LOUD voice, an angry caller, rape on campus and North America generally. Donald Trump apparently wants America to forget all the insane and terrible things he’s said, and instead focus on Hillary Clinton single “basket of deplorables” statement. Also discussed is the impending investigation into the Donald J. Trump Foundation, the fact that Donald Trump has still yet to release his taxes and his campaign is not only unapologetic about it, but defiant! Donald Trump gets scolded at a black church in Flint, Michigan. Steve King proves himself an anti-science turd when talking about same-sex couples and global climate change. Also, A$$hole of Today involves some drug-addict-shaming-cops in Ohio who also targeted an innocent four-year-old child.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#244 – “Home Depot, Homeless Props, Hillary Clinton’s Health, Basket of Deplorables, Obama on Trump Again, Trump Loves War, and Gary Johnson on Aleppo.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss their adventure getting a new refrigerator (riveting!), listener feedback, a viral video of a little girl giving her dinner to a homeless man, Dollemocracy ’16 featuring Hillary Clinton’s health, Kelly Anne Conway’s agreement with Hillary Clinton on ‘basket of deplorables’, Obama’s criticism of Donald Trump – again, the latest commercial criticizing Donald Trump, I Love War commercial, and Gary Johnson’s gaffe on Aleppo. Gary Johnson, Kelly Anne Conway, Aleppo, Basket of Deplorables, Hillary Clinton health, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Clinton.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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