
#208 – “April Fools Duh and Liar City, Anti-LGBT “Religious Liberty” Bills in the South, Donald Trump is a Creep-Ass, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton Spar on the Banks, Megyn Kelly with Katie Couric, and 9 y/o Hilde Lysiak is Takin’ Care of Biz!”

Jesse and Brittany answer a listener’s email about April Fools Day as well as a voice mail about Jesse softening about Bernie. Follow-up revolves around a slew (yeah that’s right, a SLEW) of hateful “religious liberty” bills in the South that target LGBT communities. Dollemocracy features Donald Trump talking about the possible size of his infant daughter’s breasts and a former campaign aide (Roger Stone) threatens Pennsylvania delegates. Do not forget about the Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary Clinton dust up related to his seeming inability to answer a question about breaking up the big banks. Megyn Kelly chats with Katie Couric, and 9 year-old Hilde Lysiak is reportin’ the news and Takin’ Care of Biz!

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#206 – “Party People, GA Gov. Does the Right Thing, FBI Cracks iPhone, Bill Cosby Again, Donald Trump Continues to be the Absolute Worst, Corey Lewandowski FOR SURE Grabbed Michelle Fields, CNN Republican Town Hall, Obama on Media, and A$$hole of Today.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss their recent experience at a surprise party where there were many different kinds of cool people, Georgia governor decides to do the right thing about anti-gay legislation after push from big business, FBI figuring out how to get into the iPhone, Bill Cosby in the news again, Donald Trump doing all the wrong things, Corey Lewandowski’s battery charge, Trump on nukes, Obama on media, and A$$hole of Today featuring a nurse taking penis pics!

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#205 – “Identity Wheel, Western Saturday Results, Interviews w/ Christy & Todd & Jamie About Caucusing!, Donald Trump’s Women Problem Continues, Ted Cruz Defends Heidi, Obama vs. Trump on Women, and Takin’ Care of Biz feat. an Unknown Soul.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss their favorite things while making their way around the identity wheel, Western Saturday results in Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii, caucusing with Christy (from Nerd Out Loud and Little Red Bandwagon) from Seattle and Todd & Jamie from Spokane, Donald Trump’s women problem, Ted Cruz’s defensive of Heidi Cruz and ripping off The American President, Obama vs. Trump on the way they talk about women, and Takin’ Care of Biz featuring Donald Trump’s tombstone!

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#204 – “Blood Donations, Listeners’ Feedback, Kansas & North Carolina Take us Back (in Time), Arizona, Utah, and Idaho Results, Donald Trump vs. Ted Cruz’ Wife and ALL Women, and Microsoft’s Racist Robot.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss Jesse’s adventure with giving blood, listener feedback, the latest attacks on the LGBT community in Kansas and North Carolina, terrorist attacks in Brussels and Istanbul, Western Tuesday results in Arizona, Utah, and Idaho, as well as the Arizona voter controversy, Donald Trump vs. Ted Cruz and their wives, Donald Trump’s women problem, Corey Lewandowski’s women problem, and Microsoft’s Twitter robot goes south REAL quick!

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#203 – “Too Much Beard Lovin’, Donald Trump Has FINALLY Crossed Brittany, Mitch McConnell on SCOTUS, Hillary Clinton Wrong on Death Penalty, Trump’s Foreign Policy Expert, More David Duke, Lindsey Graham on GOP, and Takin’ Care of Biz feat. Luna.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss the general public’s obsession with Jesse D’s beard, listener feedback, follow-up on Idaho Sheriff Craig Rowland, Brittany’s emergency announcement on Donald Trump’s unthinkable lawsuit, Chris Wallace’s interview with Mitch McConnell on Merrick Garland, Hillary Clinton’s response to a question on the death penalty, Donald Trump’s interview with Joe Scarborough on his foreign policy advisers, David Duke’s continued praise of Donald Trump, Andrew Klaven’s amazing video about Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham’s take on the GOP falling apart, Takin’ Care of Biz featuring A DOG.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#202 – “Jesse is Broken, Faith Healing Killers, Primary Results, Marco Rubio Quits, Trump Continues the Lunacy, Obama vs. Trump, Obama Selects Merrick Garland, North Korea Gets Crazier, and A$$hole of Today featuring Craig Rowland.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss the current condition of his back after he threw it out doing his hair, faith healing parents who kill their children in Canada & Pennsylvania, support for faith healing parents in Idaho, Super Tuesday #3 results, Marco Rubio drops from the race, Trump continues to leave everyone in awe, Obama vs. Trump in how to handle protesters, Obama selects SCOTUS nominee Merrick Garland, North Korea causes numerous problems, and A$$hole of Today featuring Idaho Sheriff Craig Rowland.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#201 – “Car Troubles, Right To Die, Harvard Contradiction, SCOTUS Does Right, Missouri Senate Does Wrong, Super Tuesday, Dem Debate Strategy, Kasich’s Reason, Trump’s Continued Debauchery, Stupid Ainsley Earhardt.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss their absence due to car troubles, CA’s right to die goes into effect June 9th, Harvard researchers find problems in the famous replication project, Dollemocracy ’16 feat. SCOTUS making right decisions, Missouri State Senate making wrong decisions, Super Tuesday, DemDebate strategy, Kasich says Donald Trump created this toxic environment, Trump continues to reign, Ainsley Earhardt is NOT the greatest.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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