North Carolina

#917 – “YouTube Battle, SCOTUS Disclosures, Trump Retribution, & A$$hole of Today feat. Joro Spiders!” 

Thank you to the sponsor for a portion of today’s episode: Uplift Desk! Get 5% off with code IDOUBTIT at  

Jesse and Brittany discuss their visit to the White House, a recent YouTube battle with Dr. Phil, and their upcoming vacation, listener emails related to the importance of abortion rights and our live event in North Carolina, the framing of financial discourses from Supreme Court Justices in the media, Donald Trump’s denials of his attacks on the military as well as his recent appearance at a rally in Las Vegas and plans for retribution, and A$$hole of Today feat. Joro spiders! 

Video of our event in North Carolina:

Link from listener email on pregnant women: 



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#833 – “Jesse’s Back!, Attack on Paul Pelosi and Right-Wing Conspiracies, Elon’s Twitter Takeover, and A$$hole of Today feat. Davidson County Schools.” 

Jesse and Brittany discuss Jesse’s absence for two weeks due to colon cancer surgery and his experiences working through the recovery process, listener emails and voicemails related to health check-ups and the attack on Paul Pelosi, the differences in coverage on the attack on Paul Pelosi on Fox News and other channels as well as the immediate right-wing conspiracies that spread across the internet, Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, and A$$hole of Today featuring Davidson County Schools. 

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#247 – “Santa Ana Winds, Anthony Weiner’s Federal Investigation, Donald Trump’s Stop-and-Frisk Policy Advocacy, Kathy Miller & Robert Pittenger’s Public Racism, Trump’s Shady Foundation, and Tserin Dopchut is Takin’ Care of Biz.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss the weather and the heat just like our listeners love us to do, listener emails and voicemails, the federal investigation into whether or not Anthony Weiner sexted with a teenage girl, Kathy Miller & Robert Pittenger’s racism and support of Donald Trump, Donald Trump’s shady behavior as it relates to his foundation’s money, Gary Johnson’s continued inability to act like a legitimate presidential candidate, and Tserin Dopchut is Takin’ Care of Biz!

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#216 – “Elevator Poop Air, George Zimmerman, North Carolina, & Catholic Priests, Racist – William Johnson’s Support of Trump, Donald Trump’s Inconsistencies/Lies, Hillary Clinton’s Latest Attack Ad, and China’s Ban on Erotic Banana Eating.”

Jesse and Brittany discuss Brittany’s traumatic experience in an elevator, listener feedback and presents, follow-up featuring George Zimmerman’s latest attempt to remain relevant, North Carolina’s decision to allow pepper spray in high school to combat transgender students in the bathroom, Kenneth Kaucheck’s abuse of children and continued presence in the Catholic Church, white nationalist William Johnson’s support of Donald Trump, Donald Trump’s lecture to Chris Cuomo, Donald Trump’s lies or flip-flopping on self-funding his campaign and raising the minimum wage, Hillary Clinton’s latest attack ad on Trump, and China’s ban on erotic banana eating.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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The YouTube video mentioned in this episode:

#209 – “Jesse’s Bullying, North Carolina Follow-Up, Denny Hastert is a Perv, Ben Carson Defends Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump $0 Charity, Hillary Clinton’s Race Relations Problem, Bernie Sanders’ Responses to Bill Clinton, and Takin’ Care of Biz feat. Inky the Octopus!”

Jesse and Brittany welcome a very special guest, Isaac, to the show! Isaac joins the show to discuss Jesse’s bullying, North Carolina follow-up on the Governor’s attempts to save face, Denny Hastert’s dark past as a child predator (allegedly), Ben Carson’s defense of Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s $0 charity donations, Donald Trump’s promise to start behaving like a President when he is President, Clinton’s problematic race relations, just chillin’, Bernie Sanders responds to Bill Clinton, and the problematic democratic process, and finally, Inky the Octopus is Takin’ Care of Biz!

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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#208 – “April Fools Duh and Liar City, Anti-LGBT “Religious Liberty” Bills in the South, Donald Trump is a Creep-Ass, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton Spar on the Banks, Megyn Kelly with Katie Couric, and 9 y/o Hilde Lysiak is Takin’ Care of Biz!”

Jesse and Brittany answer a listener’s email about April Fools Day as well as a voice mail about Jesse softening about Bernie. Follow-up revolves around a slew (yeah that’s right, a SLEW) of hateful “religious liberty” bills in the South that target LGBT communities. Dollemocracy features Donald Trump talking about the possible size of his infant daughter’s breasts and a former campaign aide (Roger Stone) threatens Pennsylvania delegates. Do not forget about the Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary Clinton dust up related to his seeming inability to answer a question about breaking up the big banks. Megyn Kelly chats with Katie Couric, and 9 year-old Hilde Lysiak is reportin’ the news and Takin’ Care of Biz!

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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Check out Liar City Podcast at AND Subscribe on iTunes!

#207 – “CA Psychics, NC Follow-Up, Pew Pew!, Donald Trump Regrets & Women, Obama on Nukes, Huma Abedin on Emails, Hillary Gets Pissed, Bernie on The State of The Union with J Tap, and Takin’ Care of Biz feat. Gal Gadot and Erin Heatherton”

Jesse and Brittany discuss California psychics’ commercials, businesses support the LGBT community in North Carolina, Robert Sapolsky’s column in the LA times on rationality and politics, Pew Research Center’s latest report on the election, Trump’s regrets in discussing Ted Cruz’s wife, Trump’s confusion with where women stand on their feelings toward him, Obama’s comments on Trump, Huma Abedin discussing emails, Hillary Clinton’s unfortunate reaction to a voter’s question, Bernie Sanders on State of the Union with Jake Tapper on his taxes, and Takin’ Care of Biz featuring Gal Gadot and Erin Heatherton.

Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609.

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