I Doubt It #008 – “Earthquakes, Rape Culture, and Religious Round-Up 1.2 w/ Brett McHaffie.”

About the Author
Youtube nobody, podcast host, mildly talented (future failed) writer, and human... I'm playing the rest by ear! (657) 464-7609

One comment on “I Doubt It #008 – “Earthquakes, Rape Culture, and Religious Round-Up 1.2 w/ Brett McHaffie.”

  1. Jessica May Hem says:

    Ok so I know I’m like years late on this but I feel like some clarity is needed about the whole rape culture thing. Rape culture is not about the actual act of rape. Rape culture is about the systematic sweeping under the rug and laughing off of men being inappropriate toward women. Rape culture is catcalling on the street and unwanted touch and the fact that it’s just “boys being boys” and not seen as a problem. The fact that rape is so commonly seen as a violent attack kind of makes it a distant unlikely possibility in some minds. The unfortunate thing is that the majority of rapes are date rapes and are NEVER PROSECUTED because of victim blaming. “Oh, she was drunk. She was asking for it.” Or even “Well why did she go to a party with men if she didn’t want sex?” These are all things that contribute to a culture of allowing men to sexualize women even when the women are not trying to be sexualized. THAT is what rape culture is.

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